I started blacksmithing at the MIT Forge in 2018. In addition to the three pieces shown here, I have also created a bottle opener and a clay model of MIT's mascot Tim the Beaver which I metal casted.

Chain (2018)

I forged this chain by using heat from the forge fire and hammering round stock around the horn of an anvil. 

Hook (2018)

For the curved pieces at the bottom of the hook, I used heat from the forge fire and hammered the square stock around the horn of an anvil. For the twist in the middle of the hook, I put the heated piece into a vice and twisted it. For the top, I created the angle of the hook by hammering around the corner of an anvil. Finally, I hammered the top to make it thinner.

Calipers (2018)

I forged these functional calipers by creating two separate halves of the same size and shape and combining them together. For each piece, I rounded the ends by hammering rectangular stock around the horn of an anvil and I flattened the ends by hammering on the top of an anvil.


508-404-3168  |  leplatt@andrew.cmu.edu  |  Pittsburgh, PA  |  https://www.linkedin.com/in/laurenelizabethplatt/